Counselling / Psychology / Mental Health

Occupational Therapy

Melanie Bercovici is a senior therapist at ABC Solutions. She has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Concordia University and a Master of Applied Disability Studies from Brock University. She is a certified Registered Behavior Technician (RBT).

Melanie has been working with ABC Solutions since 2015, helping individuals with various challenges, including autism, ADHD, developmental disabilities, and anxiety. She works with children and their families, designing and implementing intervention plans and behaviour management strategies, as well as teaching social, communication, and self-regulation skills.

During her free time, Melanie enjoys walking her dog, reading and playing sports.

Melanie Bercovici est thérapeute principale à ABC Solutions. Titulaire d’un baccalauréat ès sciences en psychologie de l’Université Concordia et d’une maîtrise appliquée en études sur les handicaps de l’Université Brock, elle détient aussi la certification de technicienne du comportement inscrite RBT®.

Melanie s’est jointe à ABC Solutions en 2015, où elle aide des personnes qui font face à des défis variés, comme l’autisme, le TDAH, un trouble du développement ou l’anxiété. Elle travaille avec les enfants et leurs familles pour créer et mettre en œuvre des plans d’intervention et des stratégies de gestion comportementale, en plus d’enseigner des compétences sociales, de communication et d’autorégulation.

Dans ses temps libres, Melanie aime faire des promenades avec son chien, lire et faire du sport.

Melanie Bercovici is a senior therapist at ABC Solutions. She has a Bachelor of Science in Psycho... Read More

Samantha Leibovitch, M.SC.A.O.T, is a pediatric occupational therapist, having graduated from McGill University with a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy in 2013. Upon graduation, Samantha started her career at Summit School, where she worked with students with intellectual disabilities alongside a big team of professionals. Since then, Samantha has worked in private practice, clinical settings, daycares, and schools.

Samantha is a mom of two kids and loves working with children in both their natural environments and clinical settings. Her strengths lie in assessing needs and developing appropriate therapeutic plans tailored to each child. By assessing children’s abilities and skills in daily activities, fine motor and gross motor domains, and sensory processing, she can help maximize their participation in everyday activities.

Samantha Leibovitch, M. Sc. A., est ergothérapeute en pédiatrie. Elle est titulaire d’une maîtrise en ergothérapie de l’Université McGill depuis 2013. Après sa maîtrise, Samantha a commencé sa carrière à l’école Le Sommet, où elle a travaillé avec des élèves atteints de handicaps intellectuels au sein d’une grande équipe de professionnels. Elle a ensuite exercé en pratique privée, dans des garderies et dans des écoles.

Samantha est mère de deux enfants et adore travailler avec les jeunes dans leur environnement naturel comme en environnement clinique. Elle a un talent pour évaluer les besoins de chaque enfant et élaborer des plans de traitement spécialement adaptés. En évaluant leurs habiletés et compétences au cours de leurs activités quotidiennes, leur motricité fine et globale ainsi que leur intégration sensorielle, elle arrive à encourager leur participation aux activités de tous les jours.

Samantha Leibovitch, M.SC.A.O.T, is a pediatric occupational therapist, having graduated from McG... Read More

Alexandra Rothstein is the founder of ABC Solutions and Quebec’s first Board Certified Behaviour Analyst. But that’s not the only reason Alexandra – or Alex to her close friends – should earn your trust. With more than 20 years of experience as a Behaviour Analyst and Psychologist, Alexandra works with children with autism spectrum disorders; developmental disabilities; and social, emotional, and behavioural difficulties – and she does so with care, humanity, and a genuine interest in helping others. Alexandra is also a member of the Ordre des psychologues du Quebec (OPQ).

Before launching ABC Solutions, Alexandra worked hard to build on her passion for helping others. She obtained a Master’s Degree in Applied Behaviour Analysis from the University of Nevada, Reno and her Doctorate (Psy.D/Ph.D profile) from the Université du Quebec à Montreal under the supervision of Dre. Melina Rivard. Alexandra’s thesis project, “Evaluating the Pyramid Model (PM) and Coaching Educators in Early Childhood Settings in Promoting Social-Emotional Competence and Decreasing Challenging Behaviors in Young Children,” evaluated the Pyramid Model by applying live coaching for educators working in inclusive daycares.

Between her Master’s Degree and Doctorate, Alexandra developed and supervised early intervention programs for children with autism spectrum disorders and developmental delays in home, centre, and community settings in both the private and public sectors. She has also trained, mentored, and supervised many educators wishing to pursue a career in Applied Behaviour Analysis.

Today, Alex works in private practice as a consultant serving various families and children, and providing behaviour management strategies and training for parents and professionals. She has also served as Adjunct Faculty for the Chicago School of Professional Psychology and is currently Part-Time Faculty for Concordia University in Child Studies.

Alexandra is very passionate about helping others. She is dedicated to her clients and takes pride in their success. She enjoys working collaboratively with parents and other professionals and understands the value and support potential that everyone brings to the table to help children thrive.

Alexandra is a mom of three daughters, who she loves to spend time with. Her hobbies include exercising, biking, skiing, tennis, yoga, and spending time with her family.

Avant de fonder ABC Solutions, Alexandra a travaillé fort pour pouvoir vivre de sa passion d’aider les autres. Elle a obtenu une maîtrise en analyse appliquée du comportement de la Université of Nevada à Reno, et un doctorat en psychologie de l’Université du Québec à Montréal, sous la direction de Mélina Rivard. Sa thèse de doctorat, Evaluating the Pyramid Model (PM) and Coaching Educators in Early Childhood Settings in Promoting Social-Emotional Competence and Decreasing Challenging Behaviors in Young Children, portait sur l’évaluation du modèle pyramide par l’encadrement des éducateurs et éducatrices en garderies inclusives.

Entre sa maîtrise et son doctorat, Alexandra a mis au point et supervisé divers programmes d’intervention précoce pour les enfants atteints de troubles du spectre de l’autisme ou ayant un retard de développement en contexte familial, communautaire et en centres dans les secteurs public et privé. Elle a également formé, mentoré et supervisé nombre d’éducateurs et d’éducatrices qui souhaitaient entreprendre une carrière en analyse appliquée du comportement.

Une pratique privée prospère

Aujourd’hui, Alexandra exploite sa pratique privée en tant que consultante auprès de familles et d’enfants et fournit des stratégies de gestion du comportement ainsi que de la formation aux parents et aux professionnels. De plus, elle a été membre auxiliaire du corps professoral de la Chicago School of Professional Psychology et est présentement membre à temps partiel du corps professoral de l’Université Concordia en études de l’enfant (Child Studies).

Pour Alexandra, aider les autres est une véritable passion. Elle est dévouée envers ses clients et tire une grande fierté de leurs réussites. Elle aime travailler en collaboration avec les parents et d’autres professionnels et comprend la valeur et le potentiel de soutien que chacun peut apporter pour aider l’enfant à s’épanouir.

Dans ses temps libres, elle aime faire de l’exercice, du vélo, du ski, du tennis, du yoga et passer du temps avec sa famille et ses trois filles.

Alexandra Rothstein is the founder of ABC Solutions and Quebec’s first Board Certified Behaviour ... Read More

Say Hello to Bryan Solloway, Vice President of ABC Solutions

Bryan approaches every day believing each child deserves a fair chance at success. And by creating and supervising highly individualized behavioural and integration programs, Bryan can ensure the children he guides get that opportunity.

First, a Little Background

Bryan Solloway, a native of Montreal, first completed an Undergraduate degree in Sociology at Concordia University, followed by a Master of Science degree from Sage Graduate School in New York, specializing in both Autism and Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA).

Bryan’s background put him on a path to help children one-on-one through an ABA therapeutic approach, behavioural modification programs, functional behaviour assessments, and coaching parents. He also develops workshops for and coaches organizations, schools, and families. As well, his expertise managing problem behaviours, working with children with autism spectrum disorders, ADHD, social skill deficits, and childhood anxiety make him a go-to resource in Montreal’s West Island and beyond.

Extending ABC Solutions Beyond The Office

Bryan thoroughly enjoys collaborating with other professionals and paraprofessionals. He has presented strategies to large and small audiences to address childhood anxiety, manage problematic behaviours, integrate students with special needs in the classroom, and positive reinforcement strategies.

He also enjoys spending time with family and friends, trying cool restaurants, skiing and picking up a good book.

Say Hello to Bryan Solloway, Vice President of ABC Solutions Bryan approaches every day believin... Read More

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